Your Grief Journey

While dealing with grief is not easy. Should you need additional support in grieving your loss, please call us. We will do everything we can to assist you or provide grief resources for you to utilize.

365 Days of Healing

Grieving doesn't always end with the funeral. With our daily emails of comfort and hope, you will feel supported knowing we’re here to walk with you through your journey of grief.
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Helping Someone in Mourning

Though you may part company with the bereaved after the funeral, a true friend doesn't stay away long. A great friend keeps checking in.

Other simple tips include these:

  • Ask how the bereaved person feels and listen to the answer. Don’t assume you know how they will feel on any given day.
  • Listen and give support, but don’t try to force someone if they’re not ready to talk.
  • Accept whatever feelings the person expresses. Even if you can’t imagine feeling like they do, never tell them how they should or shouldn’t feel.
  • Give reassurance without minimizing the loss. Try to have empathy with the person without assuming you know how they feel.
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